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  • AV2015 Roonka River
  • AV2015 Roonka River
  • AV2015 Swimming with Tuna
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  • Campwest 2014
  • Campwest 2014
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Venturer scouts

Bored? Feel like doing something with your life? Don’t know where to start? How about trying Venturers?

You need no prior experience in Scouts or Guides!Venturers Living in Trees @ AV2015

What is it?

It’s a do-it-yourself mix of adventure, fun, personal development and friendship for 15 to 17 year olds!

Venturer Scouts never turn down a challenge, in fact, they make their own! Scaling a 30m rock-face or abseiling into  caves may frighten most people but Venturer Scouts face the challenge head on and then go white water kayaking! As a  Venturer Scout you’ll work in Units with other Venturer Scouts and your Adult Leaders are always available to provide  you with advice, encouragement, and support.

As a Venturer Scout you’re given the freedom to choose your own  activities, depending on your interests, because we know that you’re most motivated to achieve when you’re passionate about what you do.

Come and join us on Tuesday evenings 6:30 to 8:30 Contact our Unit Chair for more information.


What Can I Do in Venturer Scouts?

Almost anything you can think of.

Our Unit Chair Skydiving @ AV2015

Interested in travel: How about?

  • Travel overseas on a Scout Exchange
  • Attend an International Jamboree
  • Help in an overseas community project

Interested in the outdoors?

  • Dive the coral reefs
  • Go camping and hiking
  • Examine the importance of conservation
  • Travel Overseas

Adventurous Activities?

  • Abseil down cliffs
  • Fly Planes & Gliders
  • Hang Glide
  • Build Bridges
  • Tackle white-water rapids in a kayak
  • Mountain Bike
  • and .....

Want to develop Leadership Skills?

  • Gain leadership qualifications and undertake accredited management courses
  • Gain University Entrance and Certificate qualifications.
  • Serve the community and understand good citizenship

Personal Development: How about these?

  • Study astronomy and meteorology
  • Gain first-aid qualifications
  • Plan and participate in your own challenging expeditions
  • Develop skills in the visual, performing, and literary arts
  • Experience personal growth

Social Life

  • Make new friends with similar interests and extend your social life
  • Meet Venturers and Scouts from all over the world.
  • Take part in many social activities such as the Venturer Ball.

You’ll also be involved in a well-designed program to develop confidence, independence and teamwork skills. You can get involved in staging professional shows, learning responsibility for the environment and working on service projects to help others in the community. You can even boot scoot your way to your Lifestyles badge! Venturers also have the opportunity to travel around Australia and overseas for events, or to get involved in community service projects to help those in need!!!

Venturer Scout Meetings

Venturer Scout Units meet on a regular basis and Venturer Leaders are simply there to provide adult leadership and support; they act as your Scouting mentors. Unit progress is discussed at meetings, along with how each Unit is turning their goals of the Venturer Program into reality. Socialising is a must and  strong bonds are formed through teamwork and a common desire to ensure that everyone becomes the best person they can be. If you’re a Venturer Scout  your only limits are the ones that you set for yourself.

Won’t the Leaders tell us what to do? NO!!! As Venturers, you will govern your own, democratic Venturer Unit, where the adult Leaders provide advice and guidance instead of telling you what to do! 

The Future

Okay, so it’s fun, but what can it do for my future? There are leadership and management courses available that will help you in your career and personal life, and you will be working towards achieving the ultimate goal – the Queen’s Scout Award. Employers worldwide highly regard this award!

Where to from here? Venturers are serious about having a great time and getting the most they can out of life. You need no experience whatsoever to become a Venturer Scout today. What are you waiting for? You’re already missing out on what WE are doing!!!Some WA Venturers on their way to AV2015 in South Australia

Some WA Venturers on their way to Australian Venture 2015 in South Australia