• AV2015 Campsite
  • AV2015 Roonka River
  • Group Camp
  • Founders Day Parade
  • Campwest 2014
  • Cubs Water Activity Day
  • Campwest 2014
  • Campwest 2014
  • Campwest 2014
  • AV2015 Roonka River
  • Campwest 2014
  • Cubs in the Confidence Course
  • ASM Presentation
  • Campwest 2014
  • AV2015 Swimming with Tuna
Previous Next

The Group currently has availability in all youth sections and plenty of opportunities for parents, family and other adults who want to contribute:

Youth Members Adults
Cubs Yes Leaders Yes
Scouts Yes Adult Supporters Yes
Venturers Yes Committee Members Yes

Please contact the Registrar for more information.


Scouting is a world-wide phenomenon. After a long and illustrious military career Lord Baden-Powell created Scouting with a trial camp at Brownsea Island in England in 1907 followed by a series of books entitled “Scouting for Boys”. 

The 100th anniversary of this event was celebrated in 2007. 2008 marked the 100th year of Scouting in Australia. The Aims, Principles & Scouting Method that were present at the start are still relevant today. 

There are currently some 28 million Scouts registered in 217 countries. Scouting is a huge, voluntary, informal education process that delivers results for youth and adults of all races and religions in every corner of the globe. 

Scouting teaches us to “Be Prepared”. This means “Be Prepared for Life” as well as for events of a scout hike!


The preferred method of communication with the group is via email.

Group Leader





GL @ JoondalupScouts.org.au


CUB Section      


1. Cub Scout Leader Amy

2. Assistant Cub Scout Leader  Available

3. Assistant Cub Scout Leader  Available

4. Adult Supporter  Martin, Andrew


CSL @ JoondalupScouts.org.au




SCOUT Section      


1. Scout Leader Neil

2. Assistant Scout Leader  Available

3. Assistant Scout Leader  Available

4. Adult Supporter  Alan


SL @ JoondalupScouts.org.au




VENTURER Section      

1. Venturer Unit Chair  Riley

2. Venturer Leader  Neil

3. Venturer Leader  Available



UC @ JoondalupScouts.org.au



Chair, Available

Fundraising, Available

Registrar, Available

Secretary, Available

Group Treasurer, Available

Quartermasters, Available

Parent Communications and Website Vacant

Comchair @ joondalupScouts.org.au


Registrar @ JoondalupScouts.org.au


Treasurer @ JoondalupScouts.org.au



Joey Scouts (6 & 7 year olds)

Joey Mob meetings run for about an hour of activities and fun. The emphasis is on FUN.

Cub Scouts (8 – 10 year olds)

Cub Pack meetings run for 1½ hours. The emphasis is on FUN and learning by doing. There is an Award Scheme which features age appropriate completion of tasks, often during games & activities resulting in Bronze, Silver and Gold Boomerang awards. Additional badges can be achieved in areas of interest to the Cub. The top award that a dedicated few will achieve is the Grey Wolf award.

Cubs are organised into small groups called Patrols under the leadership of a Patrol Leader and an Assistant Patrol Leader. Adult Leaders now do less of the planning of meetings, events & outings, as Cubs have greater input input through their Pack Council.

Scouts (11 – 14 year olds)

Scout Troop meetings run for 2 hours. The FUN and learning by doing are still important. The award scheme revolves around age and ability to achieve the Pioneer, Explorer and Adventurer level badges and cords. There are also some 50 challenge badges that Scouts can choose to work towards. The top award is the Australian Scout Medallion.

The Scout Troop is run largely by the Troop Council which consists of Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders guided by their Scout Leaders. Patrol Leaders attend appropriate youth leadership training courses. Scouts are expected to attend at least one outdoor activity per month.

Venturers (15 – 17 year olds)

The Venturer program emphasizes having fun while encouraging teens to feel good about themselves, their friends and family, God, and the environment. Venturers helps teens advance their leadership skills and gain self confidence.

The Venturer program emphasizes activities which encourage Venturers to:

  • show that they can care and live according to their personal values and religious beliefs;
  • develop and use the skills of communicating, solving problems and making decisions;
  • explore vocational opportunities;
  • participate in a variety of social, cultural and spiritual activities;
  • become aware of and respond to needs of the community and the environment.

Rovers (18 – 26 year olds)

Once the Venturers turn 18 they can progress to Rover Section or offer to become Leaders. 
Currently Joondalup has no Rover Crew. 

Scouting was first established at Joondalup in 1992 when a few leaders, cubs & scouts branched off from the Edgewater Scout Group. Initially the Group held meetings at Beaumaris Primary School until the Connolly Community Centre was built in 2002 and the Group re-located here. The first Leaders were Vince Di Iulio (Group Leader), Helen Graham (Akela), Bob Nickoll (Baloo) & George Burns (Kaa). The Group celebrates its birthday on 10th of November.

Michael Guile took over as GL in 1994, a position he held until he retired in 2006.  During this time he often acted as Scout and Venturer Leader to keep both sections functioning, frequently spending 2-3 nights per week and many weekends with the youth members. 

A huge debt of gratitude is owed to Fiona Guile, one of the original committee members, who became a leader and continued as Cub Scout Leader long after her own son had moved on and even kept the Group running as Scouter-in-Charge when her husband retired and all the other leaders & committee members had moved on. Their dedication & selfless efforts ensured Joondalup Scout Group continued. 

Still going strong in 2020 we are always keen to hear from interested community members and parents who can get involved and benefit from directly contributing to a global family at a local level. 


Joondalup Logo


Our unique scarf is Dark Green with a 17mm Yellow strip 10mm from the edge. The emblem is a yellow grid symbol which is derived from the common native cycad known as the Zamia Palm or Djiridji in the local Noongar language.

This is the logo of the City of Joondalup, which kindly gave us permission to use. 

1st Joondalup Scout Group is one of 8 Groups in the Joondalup District which is controlled by the Western Australian Branch of Scouts Australia.