If you join Cub Scouts around 8 ½ to 9 years of age, you will probably start your journey through the Cub Scout Award Scheme with the Silver Boomerang.
However, if you joined earlier you would probably have completed your Bronze Boomerang and would now be entering the second part of the Boomerang Award - the Silver Boomerang.
The tasks in this part of the award are more challenging, but build upon the Bronze Boomerang Award you have already learned.
To achieve the Silver Boomerang Award you will need to complete 10 of the 14 set tasks.
Tasks 1 to 7 must be completed but you can choose any three from the tasks numbered 8 to 14.
You may do the tasks in any order, except for number 7 - Promise & Law - which must be completed last and be signed off by your Cub Scout Leader.
1. Health and First Aid
- Explain how to keep your feet in good condition and why
- Discuss why sleep is important
- Discuss the importance of a balanced diet
- Prepare a healthy lunch for an outing
- Put together a small first aid kit and take it on a bush walk
- Show how to treat a bleeding nose
- Show how to treat stings and bites common to your region
- Show an understanding of how germs and head lice pass to people by contact and how to prevent this
- Explain why you need adult help in case of an accident
- Pass a message, including address from one adult to another
- Explain how to use a mobile phone & public phone and discuss the steps you would take to make an emergency phone call
2. Safety
- Define the Buddy system and explain its benefits
- Discuss the causes of accidents in the home and garden, including the sheds and around swimming pools
- Discuss the safety aspects of travelling in cars, buses and trains
- Demonstrate an understanding of dangers of swimming pools, seas, rivers, lakes & dams
- Identify safe areas for swimming
- Explain what you should do to make sure you don't get lost in the bush, and what to do if something goes wrong
- Demonstrate 3 ways of making distress signals
- Discuss the ways fires can start in the home and bush
- Show what to do if you are in a fire at home
- Discuss what to do if you don't feel safe somewhere
3. Ropes
- Tie a reef knot, and know when to use it
- Tie a clove hitch and know when to use it
- Tie a sheet bend and know when to use it
- Name the parts of the rope
4. Outdoor
- Demonstrate an understanding of how many degrees there are in a compass and the eight principle points
- Use a compass to follow a simple trail - 6 compass points (min)
- Use a road map to work out the distance between 2 towns
- Demonstrate 5 trail signs
- Discuss the ways fires can start in the home & bush
- On a fire you prepare and light, cook a meal such as food in foil
5. Traditions
- Tell a non Mowgli story from the Jungle Books
- Explain the significance of Baloo and Bagherra in Mowgli's life
- Find out when Scouting started in your local group
- Find out the meaning of your scarf & District Badge
6. Symbols
- Describe your state flag and understand its components
- Describe the emblem of your state and show an understanding of what it means
7. Promise and Law – complete last
- Find out 3 things about your beliefs and explain them to your leader
- Talk to your leader about how you have tried to put your Promise & Law into practice in everything you have done
- Do a good turn for your Cub Pack or Group
8. Fitness
- Throw a ball 10 metres to someone and catch it on return 5 times
- Hit a ball with a bat or racket 5 times
- Perform a standing broad jump as far as you can
- Skip at least 20 times forward and 10 times backward
9. People and Cultures
- Explain some of the customs, traditions and crafts of the traditional owners in your area
- Learn to say hello, goodbye, please and thank-you in another language, preferably from a native speaker
- Take part in a pack council
- Take part with another Pack or District / Region / Branch activity
10. Scientific Discovery - complete any 2
- Explain how an animal, bird , reptile or insect develops & behaves. Report on your findings
- Perform an experiment that shows the difference between gases, liquids and solids
- Explain how volcanoes & earthquakes occur and show an experiment that illustrates one of these
- Show you understand weather forecasts & how rain is formed
- Estimate: the distance from your Scout hall door to the road, length of hall, height of flagpole or tree. Check by measuring
11. Natural Environment
- Explain how you can recycle household waste
- Make a system for recycling organic waste from your house eg worm farm, compost heap
- Discuss the effects of pollution on our rivers, lakes & seas
- Show how you & your family can help reduce water pollution
- on a bush walk find examples of 5 things that have damaged the environment eg: litter, pollution, salinity, erosion, damage
12. Self Expression - Complete any 2
- Organise and perform a mime or skit with other Pack members
- Create a painting, drawing or 3 dimensional piece - to display
- Write a poem or short story, either fictional or of an event
- Sing 2 songs or play 2 pieces on a musical instrument
13. Handcraft
- Make something using a handcraft which is new to you
- Show the tools you use and explain how to care for them
14. Your Community
- Demonstrate you know how to clean up around the house - eg sweeping, vacuuming, washing up & cleaning bathroom
- Do some minor repairs to clothes around the home
- Find out how your town or suburb name originated
- Where is the nearest hospital, ambulance, police & fire station?
- Name 3 essential services that provide for your local community & explain what they do